Sahastrara Chakra (The Crown Chakra). It is located at the top of your head. Your Sahastrara represents your spiritual connection to yourself, others, and the universe. It also plays a role in your life’s purpose.
What is The Crown Chakra?
Crown chakra, also known as the “thousand-petaled lotus”, is the 7th energy center from the bottom, located at the top of your head. Healthy crown chakra vibrates to the color of violet or white, with thought as its dominant element.
The Sanskrit name for a crown chakra is ‘Sahasrara’, which means “thousandfold” and refers to infinite petals of its lotus representing the highest spiritual fulfillment.
Crown chakra is associated with the pituitary gland in your head, also known as the master gland. Pituitary gland controls and regulates the rest of the endocrine glands in your body (just like the crown chakra oversees the rest of your chakras).
- Colour : Purple/Violet
- Element : Thoughts
- Location : Centre of Scalp
- Mantra : Aum
- Petals : 1000
The Crown Chakra Location
Sahasrara Chakra is located in the astral (energy) body, at the crown of the head where the skull meets the spine.
The Crown Chakra Symbol Meaning
The symbol of the crown chakra is like a majestic violet lotus flower with an incredible 1000 petals. In the center of this symbol is a circle, symbolizing the vast emptiness of space.
As your consciousness ascends from the lower chakras to the crown chakra, you can connect with and merge into this infinite space. It's like entering a 'Circle of Oneness' with all living beings in the Universe.
Sometimes, the syllable OM (ॐ) is found in the middle of the crown chakra symbol. OM is a bija mantra, or seed mantra, and is considered the fundamental sound of the world, encompassing all other sounds.
In Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, OM is a sacred spiritual symbol representing the supreme sound of the Universe and the Creator.